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What do women really want (from their male partner)??

Guys, you're in luck- I am taking it upon myself to unleash female trade secrets at no fee, lawyer, though I may be. Consider this pro bono.

Gals, hopefully, you'll now have a piece of writing to refer your men to (coz I intend to be candid and thorough).

A friend, who only recently, discovered this blog said he thinks I am 'too open for life' on here. Well, that's vintage Lynn- open and honest- all out. After giving my introvertedness centre stage for many years with unfavourable results, I find that it is better to say too much than never to what you need to- or in this case, write.

Okay, so, about the what do women want question. I will write what I want and what I have heard girlfriends say they want. None of that, look deeply into her eyes whenever you talk- jibber jabber, I promise. This is practical, realistic stuff which a man committed to making some woman out there truly happy will find useful.
  1. Love her. Remember that love is a verb (a doing word). So, don't just say it. Take note of things she likes/ that are important to her and act on them...for example, if she wants to lose weight, even though you are alright with what she looks like, support her to achieve her weight loss-pay for her gym or buy her walking shoes, or jog with her...because it is important to her.
  2. Make her life better. Not by buying her things (although that doesn’t hurt) :-)- but by making her laugh, making her dinner, cleaning her kitchen, rubbing her back, hugging and kissing her, ironing her clothes for the week (in light of UMEME loadshedding) :-). Add something to her life. Don’t just leave a dent in her couch!
  3. Companionship. Be her closest friend. Women are 'bonders', talkers, sharers. We want to be able to tell you about our work day, our bitching friends, our pushy parents, our struggling business...generally, everything that concerns us. We need you to be our soundboard. 
  4. Empathy. Listen to her, understand her, feel her happiness and feel her pain. If this doesn’t come naturally to you – you’re not alone. Men are less emotional than women by nature. But try. Ask her follow up questions. If you don’t know what to say – hold her (her hand or in a bear, protective hug).
  5. Trust her. There's a difference between chivalry and annoying overpossesiveness/ jealousy.
  6. Dependability. Be there when you say you will – don’t cancel and or forget! This only communicates to her that she not a priority to you.
  7. Forgive her when she flies off the handle. Don’t take it personally. Women, once again, are emotional creatures. We have a tendency to get more upset than a man would about the same issue. Relax. Breath. Don’t make it worse. Accept the fact that we are scared sometimes, and when we are scared, we take it out on you.
  8. Entertain her. Turn off the TV – play a board game, take her out for a fancy date at least once a month, take her to a movie you wouldn't necessarily like but you know she would .
  9. Be nice to her friends. Do your best to respect and befriend her friends (and I mean those you discover are her real gals not the gossipy office bunch). They have known her longer than you have and can very easily make or break what you two share.
  10. Make a big deal out of all holidays, birthdays and anniversaries…not necessarily with presents but these are the days of the year that you must, must say something sweet.
  11. Flowers. They are like a perfectly phrased and timed text message. Yes, some women will seem and even say how unimpressed they are by flowers but trust me, sending them flowers communicates your recognition of their femininity and will only get you good results.
    His having a body like Taye Diggs sure wouldn't hurt :-)
  12. Last but certainly not least, satisfy her in bed…consistently. Desist from the 'bad manners' I hear about of guys out there “finishing” and then rolling over and passing out!
In all, every person is unique. My thoughts as jotted above are meant to point one in the right direction and neither put pressure on guys nor be considered gospel truth. My biblical hero Paul had this to say on the matter of working hard at things (this, I believe includes relationships)..."Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize..." 1Corinthians 9:25-27Let's just say I am giving you, my guy friends, a headstart in this race :-) Godspeed!


    1. You kicked me in the back of my knees with that picture of Taye Diggs at the end. Beautiful piece, now if He would show up already, armed to the teeth with the said information and an eagerness to get started

    2. Oooh this is a good piece Lynn, thanx for tipping only wondering whether d guy dat meks up to the above mentioned list automatically takes up d shape of Taye Diggs' picture even when they r naturally of mosquito!

      1. Gordon, Taye was just an addition to spice up the discussion. We can like thin guys too :-)

    3. Lol!

      Spot on! Lovely read :-)

    4. aaaaaaahhh....a hundred ways to reply but never the time....


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