'Ah, true! I know she is an angel, and I am a presumptuous dog to dream of possessing such a treasure; but, nevertheless, I would sooner die than relinquish her in favour of the best man that ever went to heaven - and as for her happiness, I would sacrifice my body and soul - '
Mr. Huntington in the book 'The Tenant of Wildfell Hall' by Anne Bronte
I am smack in the middle of my ovulation and though I have to deal with heat that keeps emanating from the centre of me, I am happy to have clear facial skin and the constant feeling of sexiness.
God is interesting. He ensured that during the female's most fertile time she would look her best and be her most confident; that way ensuring that the male is attracted to her, leading to that other action that results in offspring/ propagation of the human species :-).

I digress.
Since Saturday I have been listening to Soul music; Anita Baker, Lionel Richie, Luther Vandross, Puff Johnson, Lisa Stansfield, Brenda Russell, James Ingram, Johnny Gill, Gerald Levert, Glenn Johns, Marvin Gaye...phew!...lovely music I tell y'all. I am pretty sure it's those touchy-feely lyrics that are getting the better of me. Getting me all hot and bothered :-).
Recently, on the heels of a ruined romance and loss of a job which I loved, I thought I would not feel this happy again- at least not soon. Well, among a couple of other blessings in my life that bring a smile to my face, music (the 'normal' kind that existed before rap) has a calming effect on me. Thus, body and soul, as I type this Wednesday morning, I am content.
I am more than just body (which am, lately, pro-actively working to shape into a model's :-))...
I am soul. I am the congruence of deep thoughts, fervent prayer, intellectually stimulating conversation, profound books, good music...
I am looking forward to a very productive day. I hope you, my blogstalker, are too :-)
I am more than just body (which am, lately, pro-actively working to shape into a model's :-))...
I am soul. I am the congruence of deep thoughts, fervent prayer, intellectually stimulating conversation, profound books, good music...
I am looking forward to a very productive day. I hope you, my blogstalker, are too :-)
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