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My Brother: Jeremiah

His name means, God Exalts.
His forehead is marked with a cross shaped scar.
He wears spectacles.
He is 19 going on 30 :-)
He is the last born.
He is wise beyond his years; philosophical even.
He is a natural gentleman.
He loves Jesus.
He can always be counted on to make me smile :-)- a testimony to his optimism in all things.
He can fix ANYTHING electrical; evidence of his experimental nature.
He first drove a car when he was 8 years old (he is daring like that!)
He will choose Nile Special or Tusker Malt, depending on his mood.
He had a 'long hair keeping' phase that almost drove mom mad :-)
He loves to dance.
He is an excellent actor.
His eye's apple is a damsel named Sheila :-)
He (I can't reveal this, coz he wishes he was heavier)  :-)
He has a quick temper :-(
He is the only person I know who likes to eat posho and beans!
He has the nicest hands and feet in our home exactly like our late Dad's.
He wants to retire at 30; which means he is already working hard to ensure his billionaire status in a few years :-)
He makes jigsaw puzzles for a living. Holla at him to make one from your potrait!
He can successfully carry on a conversation with people from ANY age group.
He is the kindest man I know.
He loves gadgets; in deed, even a little more than the average young man does.
He can be mischievous. Much like the well loved cartoon character he shares a name with.


  1. This young lad sure is everything you have written.
    Interestingly you hv forgotten that little piece of information that he sure is an encyclopedia of sorts :-) plus he is a hardhead especially when he believes he's ryt.
    what about the uniquely special bond you two enjoy and share(jealous face worn)
    A hat off for another Turyatemba in all their greatness.
    Oh n I hv the original story of how that cross shaped scar came to be.:-) actually hold a patent. So when its time for the biography am in for some good bucks without a doubt.

  2. love it!!!! spot on, again. i love that he is the only dimpled, left-handed baby of the house!! :) And someone needs to talk about his hysterical laugh when he's really amused :)

  3. i like.......and i know he is awesome!!!



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