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A PUBLIC TOAST TO LLM :-) by Lynn Kyampaire Turyatemba on Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 1:39pm

My dear little sister,

I write to you, with my heart full of pride, from across the seas in the week of your victory in this 'war of the undergraduate' that has been 'raging' in your life since 2007.

You have made it! God is Ebenezer in this moment...

I am amazed at the woman you have grown into, far from home, buffeted on every side by life's have become strong, wise, astute, tender, intelligent, honest, God fearing, respectful of people, tolerant, beautiful...and I couldn't be more thankful to God.

After Sunday, you are a graduate...that title/ accolade may mean many things to many people....I hope that to you, it will mean that you are beginning a journey of more open-mindedness, of more vulnerability, of more willingness to grow, of greater readiness to take every opportunity by its horns... I hope and pray for these things for you because this far that the Lord has brought me, I have learnt that life is for the living and it is of greater profit to you if you live it with joy and positive expectation.

It breaks my heart somewhat that when you walk up that podium, I will not be there to deliver that female African ear piercing shout that would have expressed my excitement and pride....nonetheless, I am comforted by the knowledge that as surely as the Lord lives, he is concerned about your well being infinitely more than I am and thus, He has a plan that will ensure that you do not for a second, feel alone that morning, that day. My thoughts will be with you- the volume of my prayers for the brightest of futures for you will be 'smoking' up heaven's throne-room and my day will be great no matter what, for it will be registered in my mind as a day for celebration-nothing else...

I love you, Laura Lesley Mirembe; you are destined for greatness, for long life, for fulfilled dreams, for legacy...I have no doubt, I have never had doubt.

Cheers to you my darling. this journey of a thousand miles has come to an end- Here's to you! for conquering!


On your side :-)



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