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Of Boys and a Belated (April) 28th Day Entry...

Bad Boys ain't no good; Good Boys ain't no fun-mbu!...

Who is a Bad Boy? wakina Mr. Wrong?

And who is a Good Boy? wakina Mr. Right?

Mary J. Blige claims she and Mr. Wrong get along so good, they have a special thing going on.

What makes a man wrong? is it his bad habits (drinking, stealing, smoking, drugs, et cetera), the clothes he wears, how many women he has slept with, how many children he has out of wedlock, his joblessness, a suspect family history, his reluctance to 'put a ring on it'???

In turn, what makes a man right? his impeccable manners, a stylish wardrobe, an absence of bad habits, perfect family roots, his virginity (or at worst only 2 or 3 sexual encounters), his lack of 'illegitimate children', a good job, his willingness to 'put a ring on it'???

As I advance, rather swiftly, towards the big 3-0, I discover that the categorization of men as bad or good, wrong or right is not the critical thing. The most important thing, instead, for the woman seeking male companionship, is to figure out and be inwardly persuaded of who she is, what her world view is, what her values are, which direction her life is taking, who she looks up to, what her worth is, what she is willing to 'endure' in a relationship, or cetera.

You, see, in Proverbs 4:23 King Solomon cautions, 'Above all else, guard your heart for it is the source of life's decisions (and consequences)' .You cannot foretell the future. You cannot read people's minds. You may even be temporarily duped by good manners, romantic notes, a perfect 'CV' and so on; but, once you know exactly what you want/ what you cannot tolerate, you will notice the subtlest signs that the Mr. you thought was Right, is actually Wrong. That saying, 'do not judge a book by its cover' is apt. Sometimes people have honed the art of concealing their true selves behind good deeds...c.f. serial killers (they are usually the nicest people in the community). Sometimes, the black sheep has gotten a good scrubbing and has turned his life around and 'become worthy'.

Also, he has got to CHOOSE you. In every way, that, means to you. He must choose you, otherwise, you will never be content. I don't care how emancipated you are...

So, I don't know about Mr. Wrong or Mr. Right...I just want Mr. Fit; you know, like my shoe size. I wear size 7 or 40. Sometimes I have bought size 6.5 or size 7.5 shoes because they were just too cute to leave in the shop and I have regretted my decision. I have only worn those shoes once to be persuaded to let them go becasue they simply do not fit!

The 28th Day- April

This month's 28th day fell on Saturday. I did not forget. It's just that my period was trying to kill me. I spent the WHOLE of Saturday writhing in unimaginable pain, pain-killers, hot water bottle, strong black tea, green tea, Gibley's gin, Laura's nursing care...nothing worked! Yesterday, when I finally could get out of bed, I had to do my weekly clean-up, albeit in slow motion; so, nope, couldn't muster the energy to type out the entry...

I am depressed. I am lonely. I am emotionally exhausted. As a result, I am flogging dead horses. I have spent my April, flogging frigging dead horses.

I am broke. That saying that, 'when it rains, it pours' comes to mind. Just that, in this case, the use of the analogy 'scorching heat' as opposed to 'rain' would be more appropriate. Last night, I read a journal entry I made at this time last year about money and financial freedom and all that jazz and I shed a tear- one lone tear. Damn the economy!

I want a baby. I want to get pregnant. Of course, with that desire is tied the one for that ever so elusive companion :-(- plus, there's the irrational, impossible wish that one could be pregnant for only 3 months instead of the lifetime that is the human gestation period. Sigh...

I am losing weight/ have lost some this month and somehow, that is not giving me the satisfaction I hoped it would.

Okay. No more whining.

I really enjoyed reading, 'It's our turn to Eat' by Michela Wrong. I, even, think I may want to meet her one day- wierd name and all :-)

My red camera arrived. Yay! Expect a new addition to my blog soon- beginning May to be precise. A picture a day of me/ my life's events.

4 months to my birthday. Yay!...


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