I was kidnapped. At least that is the ‘official story’ :-) . The perpetrator of the kidnap, has been, unlike the usual kidnapper, kind, attentive, giving, supportive and entertaining. The mere presence (even with no conversation) of the kidnapper has been soothing, a solace. A lot of laughter. A considerable amount of soul searching triggered by conversation. Inner healing.
It was imperative that I ‘cool-off’ (equal to and including phones being switched off, internet being shunned) as the one part of my world that I thought I had control over, that I had made, had fallen apart. The rug had been pulled from under me. I was resentful, stark raving mad!!! :-) How dare he???!!! After all this time??!! After what I had done to put his ******* organization on the map???!!! Due to my sheer awesomeness…arrrgggghhhh! I think I may still be rather pissed off. Msssscchheeewww! Believe me, I am ‘much better’ :-)
When God closes a door, it is said, He opens a window. I think, I may have to disagree with that statement a little. What happens when larger doors are opened after the door has been closed, is it not of God? :-)
Akugoba yakuwa amagezi (loosely translated as; ‘He who fires you from a job empowers you with wisdom’), the Muganda says, and immediately, a negative situation is shrouded in positivity. Many doors are opening, for me, as I speak. The opportunities are myriad. I am re-recognizing my professional worth. So, thank you Mr. Somebody, for setting me free to really re-discover myself in keeping with my personal commitment at the beginning of the year 2012.
Ahhh…the changing faces of life. The lessons that must be learnt. The tears and sweat shed.
To live is to change. To be perfect is to have changed most often.
I am a believer :-)
Good on You Honey, You deserve to be free, to be happy, to be You
ReplyDeleteNow, that is the spirit!
ReplyDeletei am totally not zigging...i suspect you are saying you were fired (its recommended that you exit with some crucial file of sorts just to torture them) and you deem this unfair because...i did not quite zig that portion but it looks like generally you are awesome but they did not see that right...then with flare and gusto, with wisdom in your eyes and understanding in your furrowed brow, with lots of aheeems and other deep intellectual sounding utterances you saw, dare i say, the light and see the light at the end of the candle...i dont really zig but like the rest i shall hope upon this bad wagon and say bravo...:) May the road rise to meets you, may the rain fall softly in your fields, may the wind always be at your back and may the sun shine gently upon your brow...to infinity and beyond.