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The 28th Day- March

I remembered :-)

In fact, I even attempted some sort of celebration as I had said I would for this month's 28th day. I bought a bottle of red wine and a huge bar of chocolate:-). Of course, I had wanted to go to a coffee shop and spend (lots) of money on myself (as if I have that much to spare! Bah!) :-)…but, I, like the responsible adult I am, decided that was not very clever economically and just headed back home. Now, as I type this, am listening to focus on Africa on the BBC radio and indulging :-) Life is as good as it gets right this moment.

So, this month;

I was sent on forced leave by the CEO at work. An action that, knowing how he operates, communicated very clearly to me that I was no longer ‘needed’ by the organization. I allowed. I beefed, brooded, shut out the world and finally accepted that que sera sera…whatever will be, will be :-)

I rekindled an old friendship. Well, not so old…but, you know, the kind that had ‘developed cobwebs’. I can only say, here, that we are on very good terms now ;-)

I found a lovely dress I had forgotten about and wore it with pride on three consecutive occasions, happily ignoring and raising the middle finger to all that fashion brouhaha about not wearing the same outfit/ dress over and over again especially not on events so close to each other.

I restarted my daily 2 km walk regime with the hope that soon I will be consistent, fitter, healthier and thinner (at least enough to ‘unscandolously’ fit in those sexy shorts I dream of wearing in broad daylight-wink, wink).

My dearest friend found (or was it 'accepted') love and was engaged to be married next year. I couldn't be prouder of or happier for her :-) The race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong.  Congratulations Bouboulina :-).

I read Paulo Coehlo’s ‘The Winner Stands Alone’ on the insistence and or encouragement of a dear friend and as usual I was left pondering. Ralph Waldo Emerson said once; ‘If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door…Paulo Coehlo is one such man, he writes his books in Portuguese and has to have them translated to English yet we, English speaking humans cannot get enough of him! He was born to write, I tell y’all. The first book I read written by him was Eleven Minutes…I read it three times, (I could read it again today), I had two long and drawn out conversations with my best friend and my sister as a result of reading the book, I recommended it to many, many people…You get the picture. The book stayed with me. Now, I cannot get enough of Coehlo.

Remember Jazzville? Well, on one of those Sundays when I go over there, my housemate and I had the pleasure of being in the company of two of the most intelligent and entertaining men in this town. We listened to their insights on life, we laughed until we had tears in our eyes, I drank many Long Island Iced Teas :-), we left pretty late- happy and wiser, I must add.

I opened a savings account for my first car at the encouragement of a colleague I have come to hold in high esteem over the last couple of years and I hope I will be able to buy one by January 31st 2013 sans taking a loan.

I deliberately arranged ‘bonding sessions’ with my sister Laura who has been in Kampala for a while now but time and circumstance has conspired to keep us apart and I must admit, it was lovely; Talking. Being. Laughing. Listening.

I decided that my tattoo will be the map of Africa on the right side of my belly- visions of its expansion during pregnancy pleasurably flashed before my eyes :-). Now, to garner the courage to go sit through that :-)

That’s March. See you next month! :-)


  1. I have a friend who got a tattoo of the Coat of Arms... I couldn't sit through that! I hav since decided that if I got one, it would be the map of Africa.. or Uganda. Haven't decided which.

    Laura is a delight to spend time with. Deliberately arrange to spend more and more time with her :-)


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