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Two Years to the Big 3-O... Lessons in Maturity

So, I made 28 on Saturday 3rd September 2011, (that's almost a whole two weeks ago!)... and I have so far learnt some lessons which I am happy to share here;
  1. A woman's facial skin will not always be smooth and supple...there is a reason for all the money that the cosmetic industry worldwide is making. Zits and all other such blemishes will appear on thine formerly smooth skin as you approach 30 for all manner of hormonal reasons...:-(
  2. 'A minute on the lips, forever on the hips' or around your midriff or your formerly toned arms, now turned 'flags'...Food must be eaten with extreme care as you turn the 3-O corner because food is not your friend anymore, woman!
  3. Rock music, Barbeque Lounge and Worship Harvest Church praise team is not deafeningly loud, your ear drums are just beginning to get worn out and thus more sensitive :-)
  4. 'One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.' This is true as you begin to think of things like wedding guest lists and how to cut down the budget :-)...the a thousand relatives are QUICKLY replaced with one friend :-)...but seriously, true friends are becoming easier to spot in the crowd that is life.
  5. Feminists/ Women Emancipationists told a few lies, men are not too bad...they can be tolerated...simply learn to scratch backs so yours can be duly scratched :-)
  6. Mother is ALWAYS right, to refer to her as wise, is to understate.
  7.  I want to have triplets because having babies should not be tied only to one's level of financial success :-) They are a gift from God.
  8. A warm bath with salts and shower cream and all is often all I need to be right with the world.
  9. Alcohol is over rated.
  10. Self employment should be one's life goal for all bosses are a pain in the neck.
Okay, those should do for today...I  bet there is more to heart is open and so are my eyes...I continue to sit at life's feet.




  1. Am not even employed yet and I already agree whole heartedly. Autonomy, which is kinda part of that oft-misunderstood feminist rant, is crucial... The life blood to job satisfaction and in general. We need that ka feeling. Of cos in addition to a couple of other things ;)

  2. Great stuff! Many 40 year olds don't know half the stuff you have learnt at this "tender" age.

  3. Don't avoid the chocolate...just run to the store to buy it:-)

  4. A woman's longest years are 28-30! + I feel very old after reading the first!


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