Hope, Regina, Julie |
Lynn, Regina, Julie |
Alice, Hope, Lynn, Regina and Julie |
Happy New Year 2014 friends. I hope it is rolling along as well for you as it is for me.
I had a fantastic time this Saturday with my friends of old, Alice, Hope, Regina and Julie. If there is any advice I would give to twenty-somethings, it is that they should choose their friends right early and stick with them. Life is too challenging to be lived friendless.

I am engaged to be married. A hope I had shelved. Considering posts on here such as this one :-) I was quite surprised when the question was popped. I am still amazed that he got the finger size and the blue stone right- just as I had imagined it in my dreams... smh :-)
I am as excited as I am apprehensive; praying daily that nuptial plans will go well, that I will not lose/ strain any relationships on the road to the aisle, that I will lose enough weight to look presentable on the big day, that finances will become available to lessen fretting...that in all things, God will be glorified for it is in Him I live and move and have my being.

I am currently reading this book that some may think is 'getting ahead of myself' but I find that the advice in there is so relevant to my relationship with Mr. G that I am thankful I landed on it when I did. I could only have been led to it by the Helper of my soul. Take this passage, for example;
"Napoleon Bonaparte's astounding military success found a rival only in his raging ego. In one letter he chastised his wife, "I insist you have more strength. I am told you are always crying. for shame, that is very bad!...Be worthy of me and develop a stronger character. Make a proper show in Paris...If you are always weeping I shall think you have no courage or character. I do not like cowards. An empress should have a heart."
"While Napoleon's condescension both nauseates and offends us, i think he stumbles on an interesting turn of phrase: "Be worthy of me". This should be the goal of every husband and wife- a man aspiring to be worthy of his wife and a wife aspiring to be worthy of her husband...This is a clarion call for us to seriously develop deep spiritual roots, to keep cultivating relational skills. we need to search the Scriptures, grow in wisdom, keep praying, and keep developing spiritual insight. with Christ in us and the Holy Spirit transforming us, we really have no excuse for continuing immaturity."
Don't you just love that firmness and precision?! I have always thought a book should not just be well written and thus is enjoyable to read, but it should provoke some sort of positive change in my life. This one definitely fits that bill.
I will go back to my work now. I am pledging in my heart not to take too long before I write again.
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