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The Jazz Safari- 2012

When in 2009, I made friends with a man who shared my love for Jazz to the extent that he knew some of the oft, least known, old skool type swing-jazz musicians like Louis Armstrong and Earl Hines, I knew it was the kind of friendship that would last a longtime- a lifetime, if God allowed or I had anything to do with how my life turned out. See, I am persuaded that Jazz is music. It is real music, I dare say because to achieve the huge feat of making instruments 'talk to each other' in a language so harmonious, melodious is a talent that can only be God-given. Thus, to meet someone who loved this music like I did could only mean that he is a special person :)

Anyway, last night, I had the singular privilege of being in the audience as Gerald Albright, Marion Meadows and Regina Belle performed at the fifth Nile Gold Jazz Safari. It was, in a word, s.p.e.c.t.a.c.u.l.a.r :) I screamed, I danced, I sang along, I even shed a few emotional- read, joyful- tears.

The Diva- Regina Belle
DJ Bangi
Regina Belle stirs memories of the early nineties, that time when FM stations first hit the air waves; when dad was here and he and mom would sing along to soul ballads that played thereon. Listening to her belt out the well loved Baby Come to Me reminded me of the late DJ Bangi whose music sense simply used to touch my very soul- that man could play music! eh!

Gerald Albright
Gerald Albright, I have always loved. His skillful playing of the saxophone is well known world over and he has enriched many 'present day' R n B songs with his sax sounds-case in point, Neyo's Champagne Life. His 24/7 collabo with Norman Brown, I cannot write enough about, so I will just encourage you to go find stuff off it and do the judging. Also, he has been to Uganda many times so I have over the years developed some pretty loyal love for his smooth sounds.

Marion Meadows
Marion Meadows I had only listened to a couple of times and especially liked his Secrets piece from the album of the same title. I knew also that he had played as part of Prince's band many years ago. Well, after last night, he has a place in the folder in my heart designated to jazz music :) He played with such ease, confidence and genuine love for his saxophone. His incredibly tight pants also gave me something to giggle about through the show :)

The gorgeous Selina Albright
And then, Selina Albright, Gerald's first born daughter, who was doing back-up vocals did a tribute to Whitney Houston by singing Saving All my Love for! you should have heard that young woman's voice! The voice that came out of her was unbelievable! She is a petite woman, barely over 5"5 but the belting! eh! I was very impressed. I will be looking out for her more because if she keeps going comme ca, she is destined for big things. 

In all, I made an immediate entry in my mental calendar to be at next year's Jazz Safari because one should not live life devoid of such musical goodness- even if a show can always only last a couple of hours.


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