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latecomer;my Turyatemba Jeremiah Kariho on Friday, June 1, 2012 at 3:58pm ·

My not-so-baby brother posted the piece below on his facebook page and I only read it today!!!...I am persuaded it deserves to be read by my peeps on here :)

well... most of the time we're given the consolation of "all things in there time"...."all in good time" and the whole related bs. ; i think these would never be able to console me for failing to have more than one vivid memory of my daddy...daddy. a word i would never pull out in a million words...a person that i would never dream of losing yet...well...i lost him...a figure i would live to grow up without...that iron hand in your rebellious times and the generously giver in times worth that's my idea of a daddy. i don't know. i can't begin to imagine...
how i have been able to deal with one of the exempli gratia life gives of a gracious God...who in the moment is,as it were, some supernatural being with too much control; with the power to give and to take...A power he uses to the best of his authority...i might think he misused it the day i lost that figure that i bet I'd have loved to be in my life,my father... but then...maybe on that day he was saving two billion people from something he didnt give much thought to what I'd lose........

...well. enough of my abstract talk. i woke up today not to music or to movies or to a loving home but in my good friends apartment to the realisation of what is close to a decade of no father figure in my life...i just thought of daddy and mum sealed the reminder with a text filled with was about daddy.
well if i wrote a letter to would go something like this...

"Hey...umm..i don't really know how guys my age address their dads so I'll just say hi.i don't really blame luck or anything for not having you around but i bet you were siblings give me stories of when i was too little to remember...when you were around and life was good..well i got to see the eclipse of that for that little time i knew you but i believed i...grabbed life by its big horns at a real early age..way before i needed to but someone told me to be i said i will...i have been ever has moulded me into some guy who many say "is 13 going on 30"!!!can you imagine.looooooooool....i don't know how you would take such a joke or react to it but i sure hope you'd be proud...
I've got a great girl in my life...n i might be a young dude but...she just might be the one..she proves it to me daily...She's called Sheila.i have been with her close to a year now so....with the trend of things we'll be together for a while(wud have loved your opinion of her considering she's a daughter to one of your friends of old)...i have two jobs at upcoming organisations so that keeps your 20year old son as busy as....i just applied to the university to do IT but don't worry...there are contingencies set for when that doesn't go well..;-)i am sharp btw ...loool ..i have engaged in businesses here and there and i work daily to be a better person...i would love to get fatherly advice..or blowing if necessary..but i probably won't ever know what that feels like...but it's okay i am grown up...i'd probably laugh at me at this point... but its kinda weird how for someone i honestly didnt know so well,...i love you so much...anyway.

its like a whole day after your departure-in-memorium but well...i was such a latecomer...from birth till this remembering of
the university bloody question actually bothers me but well....'all in good time' the word that comes to mind...let's see what happens...
great writing to you...could yo like reply in like a dream or something???!,thanks.

Your son,
Kariho Jeremiah Turyatemba .

Ps:beats me how you were actually called Benjamin"


  1. I remember that horrible day well.... Lynn you were so strong! And Jerry so young! Your dad was an awesome man and you, as his awesome kids, are a testimony to his legacy. I'd love to see Jerry all grown up now. From what I have just read, he must be a pretty darn awesome guy, just like his father was.

    1. Thank you Nasa Lee :)...Jerry's pretty boy and yet so man...he is fascinating

  2. what i remember most about your dad was that i feared him mob...i remember the many months in hospital and how i watched you go from an innocent sheltered girl to a woman faster than you can say WTFrench Fries....ah i need to keep sprinting because if Jerry is an example of the sharpness of the generation to come i am doing bubi...


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