Mom didn't make the aforementioned dinner. She was called to an assignment out of town so she had to travel late 14th February evening. Power to the Hardworking, providing moms! woot! woot!
On that note, I love you Mama. For all the selflessness you have exhibited over the years. For the resilience. For being such an exemplary parent. For being strong. For defending your brood. For keeping us together these odd nine years...You are something else! I am so proud to associate myself with you- to be your daughter.
Okay, the above had to be done :-)...My mom, really, is the apple of my eye.
So, dinner was at Faze II. Laura, Jeremiah and I. Laura and I were there longer. We talked mostly about men, and love. We didn't bitch :-) We had some laughs. Some 'cheek- holding' moments. And I decided that I would get back to, this, my blog and salute (in keeping with the Awards Season), the men who I can sincerely admit, have graced my life so far.
Firstly to 53779. You have wisdom beyond your years. I find that I am not ashamed to come to you when I need a soundboard. You have given me sound advice regarding issues ranging from relationships to my faith in God. Your sensitivity to my moods and 'girliness' has always amazed me over the years. You are the one man I will always involuntarily address as Sweetheart. Thank you my dear.
8763. There is a star in you. No, you are a star. I think you forget it sometimes and as a result, you make choices that do nto reflect knowledge of your greatness. You are of stock that has history of strength and greatness. Embrace that heritage my dear. Embrace it. I know, for a long time, I have not said it or I have not acted like it, but I am proud of you. I am. I am also thankful to God for you. Thank you for the Valentine's gift you sent me. It is LOVELY!!!!and I will wear it until it drops off my arm, threadbare :-). I love you.
47222. I do not know a man more loyal, more consistent, more sincere. I have learnt from you what it means to be practically blindly loyal, no questions asked. You have prayed for and with me, especially when I was too angry to do so for myself. You have bailed me out in times of need so many times I am 'embarrassed' to count. You have encouraged me when I have felt less than the best. You have admonished me when I have chosen the wrong path. You have trusted me to give you advice on matters that would otherwise be considered too sensitive and this in itself has oft made me feel honoured. I hope that you will always be a part of my life but even if God has it otherwise, I will always be grateful for you.
527. When we first properly interacted, some seven or so years ago, I would never have thought we would still be even acquaintances. You have surprised me. Always willing to be of help when you are able. Always rooting for me when I wanted to try something new, to take a risk. Recognizing my worth as a person and reminding me of it when I forget or when my head is full of voices that say I am not worth much. I have been encouraged to be ambitious by you. You who believes no wall is too high to climb, no challenge is too great to take on. I see and hear you taking on issues that would for another person be a case of biting off more than they can chew, but I know you and I am proud; because I know the world ain't seen nothing yet. You can do more! I look forward to the days when we will be running the world, you and I, because I can bet we will :-)
6968. It's been so long, I probably do not know what you look like today. Whether you are fatter or thinner, or darker or lighter...but, I can never forget the shoulder that you so graciously gave me during those grim days and months in 2003. You made me laugh when I thought there was no longer any reason to laugh. You honourably pushed aside my flirtations knowing that I was too young and too traumatized by life's happenings to truly be a partner. You loved my music with me and were always on hand with a new one for me to enjoy and temporarily forget what challenge I was facing. I hope life is treating you well and that you continue to be the peacemaker I know you to be and that you have found a girl who loves you as you deserve.
26378. There is this 'pact' we sort of made many years ago that if we are not married to other people by a certain year, we will get married, you and I. Great plan, if you ask me :-). That year may be round the corner, so prepare to get one knee :-). You a character. I think people are oft fooled by your choleric side and completely miss the melancholic you. The deep, sensitive, understanding, spiritual guy. I have kept your letters & emails. I read them when I am looking to find that sense of peace and security that your words written or spoken always give me. I miss you. I miss 'us'. We need to do something about that :-(
378. I love Jazz because of you. My love for Joe's music stems from evenings of X-rated goodness with you. You made what would have been a very difficult year, bearable...even fun. Your gentleness and understanding made transitioning from one arena of my life to another memorable; I could not have asked for a better 'usher' :-). Thank you for having my back in more ways than one while I was in Kigali and in those months when I had just come back home. I will forever be indebted to you. I know you have questions about the future, so do I. Yet, am certain, even though I do not read palms, that you are moving on and up...that you are destined for greatness for you are a man of valour.
356. There is a 'Lynn' that you draw out of me. A side of me that only you seem to understand, to decipher, to appreciate. We are of one mind in many ways. I admire your tenacity, your 'dig-heels in' attitude to life, your forward looking character. It was a lovely year with you around and as you plough the greener fields across the oceans, I hope you never forget that you have a role to play in making Uganda the place we have oft talked about, dreamed about. Godspeed with your MSc. Do me proud!
3343. No body under the sun tickles my laughing bone like you. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the way you laugh; so heartily one may think your insides are about to rapture :-). Or maybe it's just your smile that lights up a room. Or it is your ability to mimmick just about every one under the sun...Whatever it is, I look forward to time spent with you...the sun has risen and set while we are seated in one place trading stories and laughing our hearts out; at life and all its idiosyncrasies. You are the kindest man I know; kind to a fault! The guy who can be counted on. You have taught me that it is alright to make mistakes as long as I recognize them and make an effort to put things right. You have taught me that forgiveness matters. It is real and it does heal. I pray that you and I shall be friends for the rest of our lives. Loving. Being loved.
286. The Newest entry in the folder in my heart marked, 'Worthy Men' :-). You are brilliant, funny and intuitive. My Bailey's & Cointreau 'concoction' has never tasted as good as it does in your company:-) Conversations with you spur me toward research because you are five steps ahead of me every time! Granted, you've been on earth longer than me....but eh! :-)...You have, in the last couple of months, proven to be the go-to guy when I need to be reminded that my independent womanliness is attractive, a characteristic worthy of praise. You got the chocolate right the other day and immediately earned brownie points :-). Thank you for (cliche notwithstanding)-being you :-)
So, the guys as 'awarded' above know themselves. I have made sure to communicate to them their number :-)
Thank you guys! for representing. For living in such a way that proves that there is hope yet for the females out there who seek 'good men'. I salute you!
On that note, I love you Mama. For all the selflessness you have exhibited over the years. For the resilience. For being such an exemplary parent. For being strong. For defending your brood. For keeping us together these odd nine years...You are something else! I am so proud to associate myself with you- to be your daughter.
Okay, the above had to be done :-)...My mom, really, is the apple of my eye.
So, dinner was at Faze II. Laura, Jeremiah and I. Laura and I were there longer. We talked mostly about men, and love. We didn't bitch :-) We had some laughs. Some 'cheek- holding' moments. And I decided that I would get back to, this, my blog and salute (in keeping with the Awards Season), the men who I can sincerely admit, have graced my life so far.
Firstly to 53779. You have wisdom beyond your years. I find that I am not ashamed to come to you when I need a soundboard. You have given me sound advice regarding issues ranging from relationships to my faith in God. Your sensitivity to my moods and 'girliness' has always amazed me over the years. You are the one man I will always involuntarily address as Sweetheart. Thank you my dear.
8763. There is a star in you. No, you are a star. I think you forget it sometimes and as a result, you make choices that do nto reflect knowledge of your greatness. You are of stock that has history of strength and greatness. Embrace that heritage my dear. Embrace it. I know, for a long time, I have not said it or I have not acted like it, but I am proud of you. I am. I am also thankful to God for you. Thank you for the Valentine's gift you sent me. It is LOVELY!!!!and I will wear it until it drops off my arm, threadbare :-). I love you.
47222. I do not know a man more loyal, more consistent, more sincere. I have learnt from you what it means to be practically blindly loyal, no questions asked. You have prayed for and with me, especially when I was too angry to do so for myself. You have bailed me out in times of need so many times I am 'embarrassed' to count. You have encouraged me when I have felt less than the best. You have admonished me when I have chosen the wrong path. You have trusted me to give you advice on matters that would otherwise be considered too sensitive and this in itself has oft made me feel honoured. I hope that you will always be a part of my life but even if God has it otherwise, I will always be grateful for you.
527. When we first properly interacted, some seven or so years ago, I would never have thought we would still be even acquaintances. You have surprised me. Always willing to be of help when you are able. Always rooting for me when I wanted to try something new, to take a risk. Recognizing my worth as a person and reminding me of it when I forget or when my head is full of voices that say I am not worth much. I have been encouraged to be ambitious by you. You who believes no wall is too high to climb, no challenge is too great to take on. I see and hear you taking on issues that would for another person be a case of biting off more than they can chew, but I know you and I am proud; because I know the world ain't seen nothing yet. You can do more! I look forward to the days when we will be running the world, you and I, because I can bet we will :-)
6968. It's been so long, I probably do not know what you look like today. Whether you are fatter or thinner, or darker or lighter...but, I can never forget the shoulder that you so graciously gave me during those grim days and months in 2003. You made me laugh when I thought there was no longer any reason to laugh. You honourably pushed aside my flirtations knowing that I was too young and too traumatized by life's happenings to truly be a partner. You loved my music with me and were always on hand with a new one for me to enjoy and temporarily forget what challenge I was facing. I hope life is treating you well and that you continue to be the peacemaker I know you to be and that you have found a girl who loves you as you deserve.
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Hugs rock :-) |
26378. There is this 'pact' we sort of made many years ago that if we are not married to other people by a certain year, we will get married, you and I. Great plan, if you ask me :-). That year may be round the corner, so prepare to get one knee :-). You a character. I think people are oft fooled by your choleric side and completely miss the melancholic you. The deep, sensitive, understanding, spiritual guy. I have kept your letters & emails. I read them when I am looking to find that sense of peace and security that your words written or spoken always give me. I miss you. I miss 'us'. We need to do something about that :-(
378. I love Jazz because of you. My love for Joe's music stems from evenings of X-rated goodness with you. You made what would have been a very difficult year, bearable...even fun. Your gentleness and understanding made transitioning from one arena of my life to another memorable; I could not have asked for a better 'usher' :-). Thank you for having my back in more ways than one while I was in Kigali and in those months when I had just come back home. I will forever be indebted to you. I know you have questions about the future, so do I. Yet, am certain, even though I do not read palms, that you are moving on and up...that you are destined for greatness for you are a man of valour.
356. There is a 'Lynn' that you draw out of me. A side of me that only you seem to understand, to decipher, to appreciate. We are of one mind in many ways. I admire your tenacity, your 'dig-heels in' attitude to life, your forward looking character. It was a lovely year with you around and as you plough the greener fields across the oceans, I hope you never forget that you have a role to play in making Uganda the place we have oft talked about, dreamed about. Godspeed with your MSc. Do me proud!
3343. No body under the sun tickles my laughing bone like you. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the way you laugh; so heartily one may think your insides are about to rapture :-). Or maybe it's just your smile that lights up a room. Or it is your ability to mimmick just about every one under the sun...Whatever it is, I look forward to time spent with you...the sun has risen and set while we are seated in one place trading stories and laughing our hearts out; at life and all its idiosyncrasies. You are the kindest man I know; kind to a fault! The guy who can be counted on. You have taught me that it is alright to make mistakes as long as I recognize them and make an effort to put things right. You have taught me that forgiveness matters. It is real and it does heal. I pray that you and I shall be friends for the rest of our lives. Loving. Being loved.
286. The Newest entry in the folder in my heart marked, 'Worthy Men' :-). You are brilliant, funny and intuitive. My Bailey's & Cointreau 'concoction' has never tasted as good as it does in your company:-) Conversations with you spur me toward research because you are five steps ahead of me every time! Granted, you've been on earth longer than me....but eh! :-)...You have, in the last couple of months, proven to be the go-to guy when I need to be reminded that my independent womanliness is attractive, a characteristic worthy of praise. You got the chocolate right the other day and immediately earned brownie points :-). Thank you for (cliche notwithstanding)-being you :-)
So, the guys as 'awarded' above know themselves. I have made sure to communicate to them their number :-)
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Yes, they are...while the girls take a break from running the world :-) |
You need to do something about it? Now if only i could decipher the numbers...hmmmm
ReplyDeleteIsaac, deciphering the numbers is tres easy. It is just boring when you don't expect to find your name on the list :)
ReplyDeleteUnh, that's a major hint for you Lynn :)
In other news, I approve of gratitude. It is far more rewarding than bitching :)