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Showing posts from February, 2012

Post Valentine's & a Tribute to the Men that Rock :-)

Mom didn't make the aforementioned dinner. She was called to an assignment out of town so she had to travel late 14th February evening. Power to the Hardworking, providing moms! woot! woot! On that note, I love you Mama. For all the selflessness you have exhibited over the years. For the resilience. For being such an exemplary parent. For being strong. For defending your brood. For keeping us together these odd nine years...You are something else! I am so proud to associate myself with you- to be your daughter. Okay, the above had to be done :-)...My mom, really, is the apple of my eye. So, dinner was at Faze II. Laura, Jeremiah and I. Laura and I were there longer. We talked mostly about men, and love. We didn't bitch :-) We had some laughs. Some 'cheek- holding' moments. And I decided that I would get back to, this, my blog and salute (in keeping with the Awards Season), the men who I can sincerely admit, have graced my life so far. Firstly to 53779. You have ...

Another Valentine :-)

Another Valentine’s Day sans a ‘partner’. This state of affairs means no expectation of the ‘trappings’ of the day so, I am not complaining. I think I have long reconciled myself to the fact that realism wins the day and I am better off alone or with a partner that wouldn’t care less about Valentine’s Day but is kind, sensitive, providing, protecting, prayerful and honest than with one who is horrendous throughout the year but remembers to appease me with a bouquet of flowers and some (fairly) fancy chocolate on Valentine’s Day. Inconsistency, I discover, rubs me the wrong way.   This year, I have planned a one-on-one dinner with my mom and two sisters. We will wine, dine and bitch about the undeserving men we have had to encounter in our lives while we salute those men that have been worthy representatives of the male species, at least to us. We will spend our hard earned cash on ourselves... I will be letting all and sundry know how things go tomorrow evening... In ...

The Stabilization Clause versus National Sovereignty (The Unabridged Version)

It is a long acknowledged fact that in the developing world where most of the world’s natural resources are found, the governments of the day cannot afford the monetary and technical resources to develop the different extractive industries including that of oil. As a result, these governments must often partner with foreign companies in order to successfully develop the natural resources the countries are endowed with. In Uganda, in order to develop our oil industry, our government partnered with a number of international oil companies that ‘struck gold’ in the form of 2.5 billion barrels of oil. Today, after a number of successful transactions, Tullow Oil Plc Ltd, a British firm remains the sole holder of majority interests in the oil fields of the so far, 40% explored Albertine Region.  As 2011 came to a close, events worth noting, took place in Uganda’s oil industry. Firstly, an unprecedented oil debate happened in Parliament between October 10th and 11th during which alle...

Passing the Buck...

Dear (Dis) Hon. Buck Passer, I started out thinking that the past partners were the 'problem', somehow choosing to disregard the fact that the sower chooses the seed and therefore is responsible to a certain extent for a poor crop. And then, I thought obugahe  was the 'problem'...that the mugahe was inexperienced and insensitive and that the mugahe needed to eat humble pie and learn to be meeker, quieter, more submissive in order to 'fit the purpose'... I have since gradually realized that the buck stops and all I can think to say in the circumstances is, grow some balls! (or a vagina, for that matter considering that vaginas world over have been through some nasty things and still come out on top :-) )... Point is, passing the buck has always been dishonourable. It is a sign of immaturity, weakness of character, failure to admit to one's mortality. It is evidence that you think of yourself more highly than you should and are hence...


Q1. In which battle did Napoleon die? * His last battle Q2. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? * At the bottom of the page Q3. River Ravi flows in which state? * Liquid Q4. What is the main reason for divorce? * Marriage Q5. What is the main reason for failure? * Exams Q6. What can you never eat for breakfast? * Lunch & dinner Q7. What looks like half an apple? * The other half Q8. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what will it become? * Wet Q9. How can a man go for eight days without sleeping ? * He sleeps at night. Q10. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? * You will never find an elephant that has only one hand.. Q11 . If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in other hand, what would you have ? * Very large hands Q12 . If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it? * No time at all, the wall is alread...

Steam Bath :-)

Area Code: 481; Masaka, Uganda Time Check: 10:08 p.m. I experienced my first steam bath today courtesy of a colleague who insisted I needed it to relax. Well, it does turn out he was right :-)...I got a massage too and a made a friend named Gertrude who is a trained Physiologist and is amazing at reflexology and so on...she counselled me, schooled! I was glad I had taken the initiative to ask her what she does while we sweated life's stress off :-)...we exchanged cards and shall be in touch.....she shared some seemingly miraculous stories of people given up on by their relatives only to be restored to health with the right counselling, reflexology and massage therapy. 24 hours earlier I was at Alfredo's dancing like I had been hired...yep! I danced all night and without taking time off to sleep, headed to Mbarara at 5:00 a.m in order to be in time for a community meeting at 10:00 a.m. That was a first too and it was so much fun (of course if you discount the horre...

Love's Imperfection (or is it Loving despite Imperfection) & Seizing the Day...

Relatives, In-laws & Friends:-) Today, I have two issues on my mind, so I will like the talented writer I am :-), combine the two concepts to achieve a coherent piece :-) But, first, let me just say/ write how happy I am this morning...I am grinning like a Cheshire cat, suddenly feeling unfazed by life's bitchiness, listening to Usher's lovely, I tell you... woohoo!! Anyhow, about love's imperfection, there's this jamma who was quoted as saying;  “We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly” Sam Keen (American Philosopher, Spiritual mentor, motivational speaker and Writer) which got me thinking, where do 'lists' fit in? know those lists that boys and girls make with the 'non-negotiable'; as in the characteristics/qualities that a possible partner must have if they are to be considered...? I also thought about the 'obsession' people have with po...