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A Sheer Gift!

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colours. So, don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. (James 1:2-4) The Message In 'Christian circles' there is a term; revelation . It refers to what is in secular circles known as 'an Aha moment '. Last night, I received revelation concerning my wedding preparations and the meshing process that my Bosom Buddy and I are going through. The key message from the Holy Spirit to mine? Don't try to get out of this season prematurely! whether it is by taking a bank loan, giving in to the urge to use a roll in the hay to relieve relational pressure or it is by sulking & refusing to tackle conflict/ disagreements head on. Between the two of us, we are more in debt than we are monied. Also...
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Daisy & Maya- Phenomenal Women

My sister, Liza Daisy Korukundo Turyatemba was born today, 28th May, twenty something years ago. Dr. Maya Angelou, died, today, 28th May 2014. It was once said of the literary genius who never obtained a college degree that; 'her skill in the kitchen is the stuff of legend...' The same can be said of my diva sister and even though she is on what I believe is a cooking hiatus, the world will one day enjoy the most delicious cakes and pastries from her oven. My sister is phenomenal. I have gushed about her on  here  so y'all know how incredible I think she is. A few months ago I was going through a thing and I said to her how I had been feeling alone and looking at me like I was crazy, she said, ' why didn't you talk to me? You know you can talk to me?!' I felt so blessed and chastised all at once. Miss Daisy I know Daisy is not a particular fan of poetry but this  phenomenal woman  piece by Dr. Maya has always been one of her favourite pieces of wr...

In the recent past...

I have been dealing with an increasingly hostile environment at work, a couple of 'teething- type' issues in my relationship with Mr. PG and a steady enlightenment about the character of God. To describe it as a whirlwind experience is to understate. I spent Easter, gloriously, in the company of my +254 family and then came back to the +256 just in time to celebrate being a labourer by taking a day off (May 1st) which I spent with my brother and his yummy son. Wedding plans are beginning to take shape and I am learning what it means to really trust God as I compare the planned costs for our functions to the money in the bank. All silver and gold belong to Him, cattle on a thousand hills as well; so every time I am about to blow a casket, I encourage myself in Him. My hair growing plan is still on course and it should have grown some six inches longer by now at a 1.5 inches per month rate. I am still averse to the braiding process, yet I soldier on as my first act of meet...

Time and Lupita Nyong'o :-)

So, as I look forward to marriage and babies, I have been reading, listening to talk shows and so on as the topic on parenting and how children need time from their parents more than anything is discussed. Consider the story below: SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?" DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?" SON: "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?" DAD: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?" SON: "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" DAD: "If you must know, I make $100 an hour." SON: "Oh! (With his head down). SON: "Daddy, may I please borrow $50?" The father was furious. DAD: "If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this childish behav...

Breaking the 2014 Ice

Hope, Regina, Julie Lynn, Regina, Julie Alice, Hope, Lynn, Regina and Julie I was challenged to write by these lovely ladies...then I get here and I realize I did not even write a happy new year post! Shame! Happy New Year 2014 friends. I hope it is rolling along as well for you as it is for me. I had a fantastic time this Saturday with my friends of old, Alice, Hope, Regina and Julie. If there is any advice I would give to twenty-somethings, it is that they should  choose their friends right early and stick with them. Life is too challenging to be lived friendless. I am engaged to be married. A hope I had shelved. Considering posts on here such as this  one :-) I was quite surprised when the question was popped. I am still amazed that he got the finger size and the blue stone right- just as I had imagined it in my dreams...  smh :-)  I am as excited as I am apprehensive; praying daily that nuptial plans will go well, that I will not...

Dreams of More

I have been silent. Not just here but in other areas of my life too. I have found, there is wisdom in that proverb, 'silence is golden'. There is much you can learn if you listen more than you speak/ write. Work has been helter skelter. Deadline upon deadline. Proposal after proposal- until on some days I have been just about ready to quit. But, bread and its companion butter have to be put on the table, so I soldier on. I have always been passionate about the condition of the African and grieved that we seem to be stuck in a vicious cycle whose end is not in sight. I have had dreams of more for the African. I have read books, listened to sermons and TED talks on the matter till am gorged. Then, I listened to Mr. Andrew Wutawunashe, a bonafide prophet of God and all I can say is you need to read his book on the matter. Africanness has for ages been under attack and really, it is about time we woke up to the necessity of standing up and being counted because we have a ro...

The Third Day- September...The Big 3-0!!!

So, today, I begin a new decade of my life. I am thirty (30) years old! W.O.W! These past couple of days, I have been meditating on Womanhood. Walking with God and Worthiness. I want to be part of something great this next decade. I desire a fresh start in many areas of my life. I regrettably spent the greater part of my twenties trying to be a man; to be tough, rough and seemingly brave. I numbed feelings, suppressed emotions and smiled little in bid to avoid fighting like a girl because girls are weak, they are shallow and they gossip. My best friends were boys until my femininity came to the fore as a  natural course of life and giving boys 'uncensored' hugs started 'causing problems'. All my ambition, my pushing and shoving to get ahead could not erase my innermost (very feminine) desires to be loved, to be treated kindly, to be listened to, sought after, and protected. I was with the boys but not of the boys. Revelation No. 1: I am a Woman and that's ok...