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Showing posts from May, 2014

Daisy & Maya- Phenomenal Women

My sister, Liza Daisy Korukundo Turyatemba was born today, 28th May, twenty something years ago. Dr. Maya Angelou, died, today, 28th May 2014. It was once said of the literary genius who never obtained a college degree that; 'her skill in the kitchen is the stuff of legend...' The same can be said of my diva sister and even though she is on what I believe is a cooking hiatus, the world will one day enjoy the most delicious cakes and pastries from her oven. My sister is phenomenal. I have gushed about her on  here  so y'all know how incredible I think she is. A few months ago I was going through a thing and I said to her how I had been feeling alone and looking at me like I was crazy, she said, ' why didn't you talk to me? You know you can talk to me?!' I felt so blessed and chastised all at once. Miss Daisy I know Daisy is not a particular fan of poetry but this  phenomenal woman  piece by Dr. Maya has always been one of her favourite pieces of wr...

In the recent past...

I have been dealing with an increasingly hostile environment at work, a couple of 'teething- type' issues in my relationship with Mr. PG and a steady enlightenment about the character of God. To describe it as a whirlwind experience is to understate. I spent Easter, gloriously, in the company of my +254 family and then came back to the +256 just in time to celebrate being a labourer by taking a day off (May 1st) which I spent with my brother and his yummy son. Wedding plans are beginning to take shape and I am learning what it means to really trust God as I compare the planned costs for our functions to the money in the bank. All silver and gold belong to Him, cattle on a thousand hills as well; so every time I am about to blow a casket, I encourage myself in Him. My hair growing plan is still on course and it should have grown some six inches longer by now at a 1.5 inches per month rate. I am still averse to the braiding process, yet I soldier on as my first act of meet...