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Showing posts from July, 2013

The Age of Enlightenment; the Third Day-July

In exactly two months, I will turn 30. That happens to be the same age at which Jesus started His ministry leading up to the cross... It is also the age Joseph entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt and his life began to turn around as God had promised. Thus, it follows that I am really looking forward to turning that page and discovering what great things are in store for me :)

The Tyranny of the Urgent- A very belated Third Day(June)

ur·gent    /ˈərjənt/ Adjective (of a state or situation) Requiring immediate action or attention.  I have been attending to urgent, travel, a budding love life, family time, a brand new cetera. I find, though, that the state Urgent is tyrannical- there is no negotiation, I must deal with the government NOW , and on its own terms. I missed the 3rd day post last month as I was in Mbale sans electronics apart from my phone and in an, 'I couldn't be bothered mode'. My dearest galfriend got married on the 1st of June. The wedding was cosy, lots of laughter, a bit of rain, some dancing and good food. The name of Jesus was glorified. More pictures to come, my camera was not in a grand mood on that day so I only have one picture :( Rachel and her dad walking down the aisle I took a trip to London for a couple of weeks, experienced the English summer in all it's greyness :) and learned to give thanks more for the weather in my hom...