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Showing posts from November, 2012

Boundary Lines & Old Fashioned Love

This morning I am thinking of boundary lines. The kind you are thinking of, but also, another kind...a psalmist kind. But, first, the Psalmist kind; Psalm 16:5-6 New International Version (NIV) 5  Lord , you alone are my portion and my cup;      you make my lot secure. 6  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;      surely I have a delightful inheritance. I have been looking back at the years past (inevitable as this one comes to an end) and I am so grateful to God, who has been faithful to, especially in the last ten years, take care of us, the Turyatembas and lift us from glory to glory. He is so kind . The boundary lines have fallen for us in pleasant places. I just heard some lovely news from Laura (nkutumiide! lol) and my heart overflows this morning. You have to agree, this is so not funny, yet you can't hold back the laughter! :) Onto the other boundary lines...Well, Bou articulated it ...

Cupid Confessions :)

the cartoon Me :) I am in love. How do I know? Well, firstly, as happens with me where these things are concerned, he does not feel the same way :( Secondly, I am listening to 'love songs', ballads (as we, the 80s people call them) and feeling like I relate to them- like the words make sense :) Usually, I am as unfeeling towards them as a door post. Everywhere I turn, there is a potential story to tell him, a gift I am certain he would like. I refresh my gmail every other hour just in case he finally decided to send me an endearing email declaring how he is nuts about me-blah, blah, blah :) This morning, desperate to hear his name mentioned within my 'airspace', I called a work colleague by his name. It was such an involuntary act that the guy had to ask, 'Who is ...?' You didn't seriously think I was going to give the name away, now, did you?!! ...Shame! :) I catch myself thinking of ways I can sincerely be a better person- the kind of...