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Showing posts from July, 2011

The Double Standard of Sex Crimes

In light of the DSK issue and the more recent saga with the Makerere University VC under fire...I think the following is a very nice article to consider... The Double Standard of Sex Crimes By Jessica Stern Last night Nafissatou Diallo, the 32-year-old Sofitel employee who accused former IMF director Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault, took the unusual step of appearing on national TV before her criminal case had been settled. Because of this, the New York Post called her "the Blabber" and said she "suddenly and miraculously regained her memory of a conversation she said she had with Strauss-Kahn." I do not know whether she was brutally attacked, as she claims, or whether the sex between DSK and Diallo was consensual. But I do know this: neither her inconsistencies about what happened immediately afterward nor her decision to now go public should make us any more skeptical of her story. Her critics are making a big issue of the fact that Diallo...

Dr. Strauss and Mr. Kahn; The Story of a New Age Multiple Personality Disorder

It is 2011 and  I still cannot figure out why some men cannot keep their things safely tucked away in their pants...I mean, one would think that with the stories of Samson, King David, Bill Clinton and Museveni; men would beware of consequences that come with being too 'hot-panted'...but that's just me, and one would argue that because I am female, I see things in a different light... Well, that notwithstanding, oba men wake up and start behaving, otherwise we just might be the end of them!..

Bryant Kairugavu :-)

It is not everyday that you meet a person with two names that are both rare :-)...(at least this is what I thought when I first met this young Sir :-) )...Am not great with numbers, so I do not remember date or year...all I know is I was in Makerere Law school at the time. I thought he was funny, his accent made him stand out, he reminded me of my little brother Jeremiah. For me, these were reasons enough to get me interested in him. We began to talk. We shared confidences. We had some good laughs. We studied together. I asked him to my Bible studies. We became friends; not chums, buddies, gangos or tights...FRIENDS... Today he is a year older and I have only just found out that his name (Bryant) is of Gaelic origin and these three words are used to 'define' it; NOBLE, STRONG, VIRTUOUS... I am in agreement with that definition where my friend Bryant is concerned...Since time immemorial, debates have been had about names and their role in 'defining' the character of s...

Catch a Rabbit :-)

It's been said that laughter is the best medicine. Researchers have been on the front line to study exactly what happens when laughter takes place and how our immune systems are protected and made better by laughter. Two researchers from Loma Linda university in California, have published their study on how laughter affects our immune system. They are Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan and their results and conclusions were as follows. Laughing was found to reduce blood pressure, it was also found to reduce stress hormones. This will ensure that effects of stress for you will be a thing of the past for you. Laughter was also found to increase muscle flexion which ensure proper function of the muscles. Also with laughter, there was an increase in infection fighting T cells.  So, here goes... The LAPD, The FBI, and the CIA are all trying to prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and ea...

Amy Winehouse; More Wine than House?

So, Amy Winehouse is dead (the one who caused Russell Brand to say, 'Her surname is beginning to sound like a description of her liver'  )...and I am not only reminded that life is short but also that we individually have a role to play in making or breaking ourselves... her death has also brought to mind a TED Talk done by Elizabeth Gilbert of the 'Eat, Pray, Love' fame, I listened to a couple of months ago and liked and how true it is that creativity can be a 'curse'...

Blog Envy

So, I was first introduced to the idea of blogging a couple of years ago. I have since been too lazy and or too busy to keep my blog alive... Well, I have spent the last couple of hours today ogling some dude's blog and the envy has gotten the better of me:-), here I am, a proud 'owner' of a new blog...hopefully, this time I will be more consistent... I have thoughts by the way :-) and I oft think they are here I am! :-) :-) :-) (three's a charm!)